Hey guys
I have been thinking a lot lately about our kiddos with executive functioning issues. As many of you know I struggle with these issues myself, so they really touch my heart. Those of you that are gifted in this area just don't understand what it is like to constantly lose things, forget things and just plain zone out! It's rough...and I know in turn, we who do these things are rough on you! lol
In studying and searching, I came across a great resource. Onion Mountain Technology, Inc.
Go check out their Organization Problems Inventory. It helps to tease out the differences in Sequential Organization Problems, Prioritization Organization Problems, Spatial Organization Problems, Categorical (semantic) Organization Problems and Attention Organization Problems.
The more we know about what is specifically impacting our students, the better we will be able to address it.
I hope this link is useful for you!
Have an awesome afternoon!
carla k