Hey guys!
How many more days until Thanksgiving break???
I still have not heard from Riverside, Westside Elem., Westside HS, BIC High School, BIC Jr. High or BIC West to set up times to meet monthly regarding Student Profile Sheets. Time is getting short. Please contact me this week to set up dates. I need one hour a month for group building meetings.
I will be coming by this month to check progress on portfolio's. If you need help, let me know and I will prioritize my visits!
This week I want to make you aware of a lawsuit in which the failure to recognize and create an appropriate plan for behavior resulted in the award of private school tuition (we don't want to ever be in that position). Council Rock School Dist. v. M.W., Civil No. 11-4824, 2012 WL 3055686 (E.D. Pa. 7/26/12). The student's behavior was noted in evaluation reports and emails between parent/teacher to be "worrisome", and it was suggested to the parent the child see a psychiatrist. However, the behavior was never addressed in a formal behavior plan OR the IEP.
The court saw this as a grievous error and determined the negative behaviors impacted the child's ability to learn and be with typically developing, same age peers. The behaviors should have been addressed on the IEP goals, present level of performance, and modifications as well as a behavior plan.
After determining the District was aware of the behavior problems, yet did not address them, the parents were awarded tuition for a private school that offered social skills and behavioral/emotional programming. I am confidant our three Districts are well prepared to offer any and all services to students in need. Be sure that when writing IEP's, EPCDF's, Annual Reviews and behavior plans you are addressing the "whole child". Let your paperwork always reflect your programming.
Have a fantastic week and let me know if you need anything!
12! 12 days until break!!!