Friday, November 13, 2020

Hello again!

 Well, it's been a while! I have recently started reading High-Leverage Practices in Special Education. This is a book that has both confirmed many of my beliefs as a special educator and created lots of new room in my practice for growth, so I am doing a deep dive into this over my next few blog posts to really examine how these HLPs can impact our teaching and student achievement. 

High Leverage practices are those practices that we can't live without. The ones that truly create a difference in our students. They are essential to learning! There are 22 of these practices for Special Educators, and every special educator should have these 22 practices mastered. 

These practices fall within four main categories: Collaboration, Assessment, Social/Emotional/Behavioral Practices and Instruction. 

I look forward to examining these practices in depth with you all. Please contact me if you have feedback or questions we can pull apart together!

More to come!

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