Thursday, October 2, 2014

New school year!

Well, I must say this has been one of the busiest starts to a school year I have seen yet! I hope everyone is settling in and having a great first 9 weeks!

I have been checking folders, and am available for any due process questions you may have. I have noticed our goals and objectives on the standards based IEP's still need some work (generally). 

Remember these points when writing goals and PLOPs:
1.  Each goal, PLOP and impact statement is linked to a Common Core Standard. The exclusions to this rule would be functional goals and articulation goals. They are the only ones that do not have to be tied to a standard.
2. Each PLOP is written specifically for the individual standard. For example, if your goal is for reading fluency, there should be no information in the PLOP or impact statement that does not deal directly with the child's performance in fluency. Sometimes I see the PLOP and impact copied and pasted from one goal to the next. This is not appropriate. 
3. The impact statement is not a restatement of the disability. Please be sure to share with the reader HOW the disability impacts the specific goal. If the child is OHI for ADHD, discuss how the executive functioning deficit impacts the child's fluency. Check the evaluation report for information that may be helpful.
4. Be sure that you have done pre and post-testing. This information is invaluable when creating goals and discussing growth/weaknesses.

I'd also like to make sure each of you has reviewed the state department's revised policy on restraint/seclusion. I sent this to you in an email a couple of weeks ago. If you don't have this information, please let me know and I will get it to you again. Review the information and get back to me with any questions you may have. 

Thanks! Have a great weekend.

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